Law Enforcement
De-Escalation Techniques &
Communication Skills
Enhancing our communication skills as Professional Law Enforcement has a tremendous amount of value. The biggest value of all is that these skills could save your life. It should be considered as a survival tactic and not just strategy or philosophy. Contacts with our citizens that we serve should be done with compassion and empathy. Every contact with the public is a lasting impression of our profession. How people view us from one
contact may last their lifetime.
We must make every attempt to become more professional with every contact we make with the public. It is only you that can either accept and utilize new methods and tactics or continue with the old. This class is a lesson in dignity, empathy and compassion to all human beings by you, the public safety professional.
Have Questions about Law Enforcement De-Escalation Techniques & Communications Skills?

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the basic elements and skills of effective professional communications.
This class is a lesson in dignity, empathy, and compassion. It provides individuals the necessary tools and skills to not only convey their message effectively but also respectfully. Additionally, it prepares the individual to communicate complex or sensitive issues to individuals who may not be receptive to the message at hand.
Students will learn specific techniques to de-escalate situations that may be becoming intense before they get out of hand. These are the same techniques that are taught to law enforcement and security professionals, who routinely find themselves in volatile situations.
Benefits for the police professional,
their bosses & their employers:
Fewer formal complaints
Fewer informal complaints
Fewer internal investigations
Greater police officer efficiency
More efficient retraining of officers who establish a profile of violent street behavior
Better public image for the police department
Better Customer Service

Benefits for police officers
The training will make police officers better able to:
Control their own biases and perspectives
Analyze an audience quickly and skillfully
Create appropriate voices to influence audiences
To find and sustain a clear sense of purpose
Organize verbal strategies to achieve purpose
Solve street problems using flexible and alternative thinking
Earn increased respect from the public for professional action
Develop greater self-confidence & self-respect in their work
Improve officer safety, the bottom line