radKids Registration
radKids Registration Form
To register for the radKids program, please fill out all required fields in the form fields below and click the "Continue to Course Selection" button. After you submit the required information, you will be directed to the course selection and payment page.
Student Information
Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact Information
A photo ID will be required for student pick up. "Authorized for Pick-Up" is for additional person other than primary and secondary contacts.
I/We, the undersigned for ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, and hold harmless the Town of Burrillville, and/or Spartan International Consulting Group, and/or Stephen A. Lombardi, its staff, officers, agents, employees, representatives, successors, and assign of an from all rights/claims for damages, loss to person or property, which may be sustained or occur before, during, or after participation in the radKids Child Safety Program or anywhere demise premises, including the parking lot, which are caused by willful, wrongful act, negligence, or default of the lessee, its agents and servants.
By clicking "Continue to Course Selection", you acknowledge you read and understand the waiver and are consenting to the terms and conditions.